Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Blog 5: Connections Between Video and the Written Word

Where and how do you see connections between writing and creating a video?

As you said, composition does not necessarily refer to writing a research paper. Think of musicians—they compose musical pieces, as artists compose paintings. In my eyes, composing something is linking things together to become relatable to your targeted audience, whether that be through a written component, or a video on YouTube, such as what we have done for the latest project.

I see many connections between writing and compositions like videos. Both are sharing information for others to enjoy. A visual composition really gives you the opportunity to be able to show an example of something rather than just simply throw words together and hope someone can understand what you mean through writing.

Think of a blog—some people host written blogs, while others have leaned towards video blogging, also known today as vlogging. The use of a vlog allows people to give their thoughts in spoken word, where they can use emotion more than they can with a traditional written blog.

Some disconnections I see are troubles you come across while creating a video vs. creating a written text. To create a video, you must encounter various challenges with technology if you’re not very tech-savvy, whereas with writing, you can just let your thoughts flow on paper and edit them right there on the same page.

To me, the composition of a topic does not matter, it depends on the composer. If the composer deems it necessary to share their topic through written word, fabulous! If a video works better, great! It is just very important for people to realize that a composition is different that a written research paper. 

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